Thursday, January 2, 2014

Technology Tool # 4 : Weebly for Education

Weebly for Education

This website creates a definite tool for your classroom whether it's an in class lesson or a family project. It links directly to the current Weebly website you may currently have. In addition the site contains passwords for each student or for the whole class. The students are able to make their website and then link it to your class main webpage. I'm considering using this for a class project for student's timeline. We'll see. It is nice to have the option with this website.
Website URL:
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Monday, December 30, 2013

Technology Tool # 3 : Slide Share

Website URL:

Slide Share is a website that is very visually engaging upon first glance. The somewhat mirrors the layout YouTube uses. It also seems to have the same goal of YouTube which is to garner the most views or likes. There is a wealth of knowledge on Slide Share that is provided by anyone who wants to post it.

The overall use of the site is similar to other websites in that there is a free beginner account. You can do upgrades which will cost you a monthly amount. There is a Basic, Silver, Gold and Platinum. The monthly is slightly high which starts at $14 a month to $41 as the plans increase in benefits.

I attempted to load a current PowerPoint that I have on my desktop that I used for a previous class to see how it would translate over to a Slide Share. It was extremely easy. My PowerPoint easily converted to a Slide Share with no need for editing or anything else.  Please click on the links below to find a really interesting Slide Share in regards to Emerging Technologies in Learning. It's very interesting how this Slide Share poses the use of technology since 1703.

Emerging Technologies in Learning

Click on this link to see a simple PowerPoint I uploaded and used on Slide Share.

Janel's Slide Share

Images from :

Tehcnology Tool #2- Prezi


Website URL:

Prezi is a website designed around the concept of the mind during a presentation is not necessarily in chronological order. This website allows you to create presentations from an entirely different perspective and outline than the typical PowerPoint creation.

Signing up for an account is relatively easy. There are three different types of membership for those who would like to use Prezi for general use. Prezi also allows the option of Prezi for Education called Enjoy EDU which is an upgrade on Prezi. This allows you to have more editing options to your presentations. There is also a 4.99 a month upgrade.

To further this review, this author, registered for an Enjoy EDU account which was simple, you just have to use your GDOE account as well as use the website for GDOE. It's nice when websites acknowledge that teachers need some tools for free.

I found a video on YouTube which is a fantastic example of a Prezi Presentation. Please click the video next to the title of this blog.

The website provides templates for you to use to get your creative juices flowing. As you saw in the video, Prezi allows you to include YouTube videos, images(straight from Google images) and graphic organizers. The options are endless and the best part, is as an educator, you want to grab your student's attention. Boredom is next to impossible with a Prezi presentation.

I went ahead and made a presentation.

Please click on the link below to see a Prezi presentation that I made.
Janel's Prezi Presentation

Images taken from :

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Technology Tool #1- Apache Open Office


Apache OpenOffice is a website used for items such as spreadsheets, presentations, word processing, graphics and databases. It is a an application that can be downloaded for free. According to, it can handle the following platforms: Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, Sun Solaris, Apple Mac. This can be such a relief as it is difficult to transfer information across the platforms especially with the differences in Apple Mac and Microsoft Windows.
 It is used in classrooms to provide the ability to keep any documents open and able to use. It is as easy as sending students home with copies of the software for free without encountering any legal issues.
I am slightly hesitant to download it to my GDOE laptop, however I will try on my personal at a later date.

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